CBD and Relief for Arthritis Pain

Full Spectrum CBD as an Anti-Inflammatory

One of the main components of the medicinal effects of the hemp plant is CBD. One of the best properties associated with cannabinoids are it's anti-inflammatory properties. Doctors often recommend the use of CBD for the treatment of inflammation associated with several ailments including arthritis. The effect of CBD in inflammation has been studied by professionals who claimed that the ability of receptor binding and the chemistry of CBD, make it a core component of the hemp plant. It is the reason that CBD is very helpful in dealing with inflammation . In 2015, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Hadassah School, research took place . This study assessed the effectiveness of a full spectrum CBD and it's effects on pain. The research concluded that full spectrum CBD was in fact effective when dealing with pain and inflammation. In this article, the benefits of full spectrum CBD and it's potential effects on arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis will be discussed.

Full Spectrum CBD and Arthritis

Arthritis is defined as acute or chronic joint inflammation that often co-exists with pain and structural damage. The symptoms of arthritis include stiffness, pain, and joint deformities following an incident causing inflammation such as:
  • Degenerative Disease (Osteoarthritis)
  • Auto-Immune or Inflammatory Diseases (Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis)
  • Crystal Deposition (Gout and Pseudogout)
  • Infection (Septic Arthritis)
  • Idiopathic (Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis)

Many Diseases can Lead to Arthritis

Examples include Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Psoriasis, Lyme Disease, Reactive Arthritis, and Celiac Disease among numerous others. Many individuals suffer from arthritis problems, and they are prescribed with so many medications which of course have multiple side effects. On the other hand, full spectrum CBD, does not have any side effects. This is a major reason that full spectrum CBD is getting very popular in the medical industry. It can help people in a very positive manner.

The anti-inflammatory properties of full spectrum CBD explained above make it evident that full spectrum CBD can be very effective in the treatment of arthritis. Various cannabinoids and terpenes are present in hemp plants, allowing for a full spectrum CBD product to potentially provide the medicinal benefits that are associated with CBD rich hemp. 

The traditional arthritis treatment medications regularly have side-effects applicable to active compounds as well as the route of administration. CBD weakens pain and inflammation without side-effects. The efficiency of CBD has been studied and tested. The information collected from the experiments have concluded that topical CBD medication has therapeutic potential for eliminating arthritis pain associated inflammation without any apparent side-effects.

Healthcare professionals struggling with inflammation-related disorders such as arthritis have reported that full spectrum CBD oils, extracts, and creams containing full spectrum CBD have helped decrease some of the symptoms.

Full Spectrum CBD and Rheumatoid Arthritis

There are several joint inflammatory diseases. One of the most common is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). The most susceptible groups to this disease include smokers, women, and individuals with a history of Rheumatoid arthritis. One study on the effects of full spectrum CBD on Rheumatoid Arthritis included administering CBD orally and I.P. just after the initial onset of the arthritis symptoms. This efficiently restricted the progression of arthritis. The clinical enhancement was related to the safety of the joints against harsh injury. The study concluded that CBD showed efficient anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive characteristics in collagen-induced arthritis.

Due to the interaction and synergistic effect of the total composition of cannabinoids and other compounds, full spectrum CBD can be extremely effective. It has been shown to be especially effective for the individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Full Spectrum CBD and Osteoarthritis

Full spectrum CBD can also efficiently support the management of Osteoarthritis by helping the patient with the inflammation and pain associated with the disease. Studies have concluded that atypical cannabinoid receptors are occupied in joint nociception, and these targets may be beneficial for the curing the inflammatory pain associated with arthritis. Full spectrum CBD is available in the form of oil, capsules, balms, juices, and more. As no component is eliminated from the cannabis extraction, it undergoes less processing before it is manufactured into its usable form. Full spectrum CBD possess anti-inflammatory characteristics and act as an analgesic. This is why it can be extremely helpful in the treatment of Osteoarthritis.