The Benefits of CBD for Pets
Although CBD has gained popularity in the world today, there are still a few individuals who are ignorant of the origin, uses, and the benefits of this compound. In recent times, scientists and health specialists discovered this miracle drug and its ability to restore balance to the human body and reduce symptoms of various ailments. If you are privy to this information, then you must know that discoveries are being made daily and one of these is the benefits of CBD for pets. Humans are not the only species lucky enough to benefit from the hidden treasure of the hemp plant.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol or CBD, as it is popularly known, is one of over 110 chemical compounds found in the cannabis saliva plant. According to researchers, the marijuana and hemp plant originates from the same cannabis sativa plant, but each has a different concentration of chemical compounds. Whereas marijuana is known to contain a high concentration of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a major psychoactive compound, hemp has very low levels of the compound and as such, does not have any psychoactive effects.
Benefits of CBD for Pets
The endocannabinoid system in humans and animals are quite similar in function and conditions such as pain, inflammation, and anxiety which manifest in humans produce similar effects in animals. In essence, the effects of CBD are similar in both humans and pet animals. These effects may include:
• Pain relief
• Anti-inflammatory
• Anticancer
• Treatment of Epilepsy and Seizures.
• Protection of the nervous system
• Healthy aging
• Improved mental health
• Increased appetite, etc.
Benefits In Depth
CBD Acts as a Pain Reliever
The endocannabinoid system is involved in pain management, and the painkilling properties within the CBD compound provide it with the ability to manage pain in several ways.
CBD has Anti-inflammatory Properties
The painful symptoms of arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, MS, and other similar health conditions which are characterized by chronic inflammation can be combated by cannabidiol. Its interaction with CB2 receptors provokes a variety of immune responses; one of which is to reduce inflammation.
CBD may Effectively Slow the Growth of Cancerous Cells and Tumors
As in humans, the growth of malicious tumors is also common in pet animals and often proves to be fatal. Although there is no known cure for cancer, research shows that cannabinoids, like CBD, can help in the treatment of cancer.
CBD enhances the effect of chemotherapy by increasing the rate at which the chemotherapy agents are absorbed by the cancer cells. It also slows the growth and spread of cancerous cells while also reducing the size of tumors and protecting healthy cells in the body.
CBD Can Be Used In the Treatment of Epilepsy and Seizures
CBD is a natural anticonvulsant which is well known for its ability to control seizures, spasms and occasional tremors experienced by ailing pets.
Seizures are believed to be the result of the rapid and uncontrolled firing of neurons in the brain. CBD can help normalize the functions of these neurons, causing them to fire normally, thereby preventing seizures and other effects of Epilepsy.
CBD products can be used in the treatment of a wide range of health conditions in animals such as anxiety, inflammation, seizures, and joint pain. They also come in different shapes and sizes and serve as a better alternative to more expensive medications that your pets could be taking currently.